Construction of 2xDN600 transit pipeline for district heating of the City Center


Beginning of work: 06.06.2018.
Deadline for completion:  summer of 2019
Type of work: construction of heating pipeline


Few sentences about the project:

FŐTÁV Zrt. Is expanding its existing pipeline network with the Chimney-Free Downtown program as part of the so-called district heating ring in the capital, which will include the district heating pipeline from South Buda to the 5th district through the Elizabeth Bridge.

With the open trench and drilled section of the Rácz Bath, the new DN 600/800 cable pair will be brought under the bridge by the reconstruction of the Erzsébet bridge bridgehead. From the bridge on the Pest side, the pipeline will also be rebuilt on March 15th by rebuilding the bridge head in Pest.

After the bridge head ramp, from the 20m deep launching pit made of cut-of-wall technique, the 300m long microtunneling tunnel with a 2200mm inside diameter passes through the district heating pipeline to the receiving pit in front of Városház Street. The heating pipe from the  receiving pit will be connected by an open trench with the formerly built district heating pipe on Városház Street.